
Dancing to change lives

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore



Nabasumba Joan

My name is Nabasumba Joan, I am 13 years old. Through dance, we get hope to be change agents of the next generation.

Nabbowa Tasha

I am 6 years old . I dream seeing my self on a big screen performing for the world . I see a bright future ahead of us.

Kafeero Davis

I am 10 years old. Wakiso Dance Kids Foundation found me without hope but now, I have hope because I see where i am going and am also looking forward to helping more people in the same category as mine in order to create a difference in my community.

Arinaitwe Nyakana

My name is Ariniatwe Nyakana, I am 10 years old. Through Wakiso dance kids foundation, I learned that lending a hand creates a network of helpers because now Wakiso Dance Kids Foundation is molding many Daddy Mazzinas and the network of serving communities will grow big and bigger hence creating a better continent.

Kasujja Nickson

I am 13 years old . We dance to change lives not specifically our lives but even the lives of other people struggling out there . We know we might not do it all but we can do what we can at our best.

Babirye Jalia

I am 7 years old It’s through daddy Mazzina that I go to school and I always work hard so that I raise money for my brother in the village to get an opportunity to attend school too.

Nassali Aminah

I am 8 years old Besides dance being fun for everyone of us , daddy Mazzina told us that we can turn our talents into careers and in turn be able to uplift our forgotten communities into cities to remember.

Nalwogo Faith

I am 7 years old . Everyday I learn to accept what I am and how I can archive what is the best for me . My work is to inspire young girls like me to stay focused and they will have it all.

Abigaba Nyakana

My name is Abigaba Nyakana, I am 11 years old. Through Wakiso Dance Kids Foundation, I learned that my happiness can make one forget the sad past in order to create a happy tomorrow.

Namanda Jessica

My name is Namanda Jesca, I am 11 years old. I dance because I want to be someone with a voice to the voiceless and also change the life of my mother.

Mukiisa Brighton Blessing

Meet Mukisa Brighton Blessing, the second youngest family member in the foundation. He is 2.5 years old, he lost both of his parents and he is a victim of child abuse and luckily enough the organization rescued him and he is now living happily.